ERASMUS 2019-2022
COMMON ROOTS MAKE YOU is an Erasmus+ project in which all the schools involved have worked on the cultural traditions of our towns, from a European inclusive perspective, of integration and enhancing the skills of both students and teachers.
In the mobilities and the activities carried out, from the preparation to the implementation and evaluation of results, we have collaborated side by side with all the teaching staff involved. One of the objectives of our work was to make both our students and their families feel integrated in a common context, where there are no borders, where it is easy to communicate despite speaking different languages and understand that there are more things that unite us than what separates us.
The adversities of the pandemic and the invasion of Ukraine altered our initial forecasts and forced us to make important changes, such as: giving more weight to the work through eTwinning and changing the dates of the mobilities. However, the difficulties strengthened us and united us even more.
The project was approved in 2019 and due to the pandemic it was extended until 2022.
The schools involved in the project have worked hard, we have felt like brothers and we have transmitted this feeling to the entire educational community of each school:
Agrupamento de Escolas de Paço de Arcos, in Portugal.
2nd Gymnasium of Heraklion Crete, in Greece.
Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych w Józefów nad Wisłą, in Poland.
Istituto Comprensivo 1 de Frosinone, in Italy.
IES Gabriel Ciscar dʼOliva, in Spain.
In October 2019, a mobility programme took place in Oliva, only for teachers (four teachers from our school), in order to get to know each other and to structure the lines of work, the mobility, the work in eTwinning that we had been carried out during the years of the project.
In December 2019, we carried out the Greek mobility in Heraklion Crete. Twenty-five students and ten teachers from our partners schools came to the 2nd Gymnasium of Heraklion to work on Christmas traditions of Greece, together with twenty-five students and nine teachers from our school.
In March 2022, five students and two teachers from our school went to Oliva in Spain to work on Fallas: music, gastronomy, the monument, the mascletà…
In April 2022 we went to Italy to celebrate the Frosinone carnivals. Five students and three teachers travelled to Italy.
In June 2022 we were in Paço de Arcos, in Portugal, where we shared the traditions of Popular Saints. Five students and four teachers travelled to Italy.
In July 2022 the Polish mobility, postponed due to the war in Ukraine, took place. Five students and three teachers went to Poland and shared the traditions of Easter in Józefów nad Wisłą.
Auxiliary Materials